EU Self-Employed Freelancers Pay Lowest Taxes In Bulgaria

Freelancers all across Europe are looking for national tax regimes where they can pay lowest personal income taxes. Some have heard that Bulgaria is the right place in EU for this purpose. And they have heard right.   The good news is that Bulgaria offers the absolutely lowest personal income tax in the whole EU […]

Personal Injury, Insurance And Other Compensation Claims In Bulgaria

Bulgarian compensation lawyers specializing in Personal Injury and Insurance Law are representatives of individuals or companies with respect to different types of accidents (auto car accidents, defective products, medical malpractice and errors, wrongful death etc.) and insurance events that have taken place on the territory of Bulgaria and in some cases – abroad. They are […]

Liquidation Of Bulgarian Companies

The Bulgarian company liquidation procedure described below covers the procedure for liquidation of companies which were not duly re-registered within the legal deadlines. For liquidation of an active company, please feel free to contact us directly and we will advise the necessary steps depending on your company status.    On the last day of December […]

2011 Bulgarian Condominium Act Amendments

The last changes in the Law on the Condominium Ownership Management made on 26/07/2011 have the purpose to achieve better understanding and more non-discrepant enforcing of the law. Some of the procedures have been made simpler; there are some new rulings included.   Here is a list of the most important changes:   1. The […]

EU Blue Card For Highly Qualified Workers In Bulgaria

The permit for stay and work in Bulgaria type EU Blue Card could be obtained by a foreigner who is a highly qualified worker – a person who has qualification for the respective work: a college or university degree, which is proved by a diploma, certificate or another document issued by a competent body after […]

Bulgarian Legal System – Civil Courts Hierarchy

In Bulgarian civil court system hierarchy there are 3 levels:   The general rule is set by Art.103 of the new Bulgarian Civil Procedure Code which states that all civil cases, except for those within the jurisdiction of the district court as a first instance, shall be under the jurisdiction of the regional court. The […]

10 Most Popular Frauds In The Field Of Property Law In Bulgaria

The purchase of a real property in Bulgaria is probably one of the best ways to invest your money as it is a lifetime investment. But on the other hand this might be risky. That is why you must be very careful and spend a short time in investigating the property prior to entering a […]

Bulgarian Condominium General Meeting Of Owners (FAQ)

Since 2009 when the new Bulgarian Condominium Ownership Management Act came into force many important questions have been contentiously asked by owners.     1. What is the difference between General Meeting, Annual General Meeting, General Meeting of Owners, General Assembly, General Assembly of Owners?   There is no difference. All of these are synonyms […]

Making A Will In Bulgaria, Probate And Inheritance Law

According to Bulgarian Inheritance Act each person who has rounded 18 years and is not under full interdict due to dementia as is capable to act reasonably can dispose with his property for after his death with a will.   One of the few restrictions is that the testator can dispose through the will with […]

Legal Aspects Of Property Resales In Bulgaria

If you are an owner of a real estate property in Bulgaria and you are thinking of reselling it, there are a couple of questions you should consider prior to advertising it for sale:     1. Who are the owners of the property as per Bulgarian Regulations? Whose name is on the title deed? […]

Major Advantages Of Setting Up A Company In Bulgaria

Any foreigner can register a company in Bulgaria on equal terms with Bulgarian citizens. Moreover, there are no differences in the regime and taxation is the same as that of a company owned by Bulgarian citizens. Since Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007 the country introduced a flat 10% corporate tax rate which is currently […]

Re-Registration Of Bulgarian Companies by 2010

Obligations of company owners and managers According to Section 4 of the Trade Register Act all companies and the branches of foreign companies entered in the Trade Register at Bulgarian regional courts before 1st January 2008 are obliged to re-register in three years term from 1st January 2008. It is important to point out that […]

Management Of The Condominium Act (In Force As Of May 01, 2009)

Main points in the new Act: The act provides all general obligations of each owner in the Condominium The act determines 2 possible forms of management of the Condominium: General Assembly of Owners (GAO) Association of Owners (AO) Requirements for convening of the GAO (also known as General Meeting of Owners) The GAO should be […]

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